Sadaf Seyed (Sadaf Seyed Rezaei) b. 1996

Sadaf Seyed (Sadaf Seyed Rezaei) (b. 1996) graduated with a bachelor's degree in painting from Tehran University of Art and a master's degree in painting from Sourah University of the face of a world that seems empty and devoid of meaning, Her works are meaningful in her attitude towards social contemporaneity in the current era, which is full of feeling of not belonging and lost. But in this confusion, a hope of light found in its journey, shows itself in spaces that are influenced by Iranian painting and architecture. Messy spaces that gain meaning with the effect of light in the space. The soulless walls made of concrete and plaster, with the presence of line-like lights and reflections around them, find a soul for the audience to step on.
Each of the spaces of her works induces an event or a feeling that is imprinted in the artist's mind in the simplest way and created with layers of texture with limited and thin colors. A space that is identified by the lights that either come from the darkness or They are led to darkness; A kind of hope and an obvious but invisible presence.