Hossein Mohammadi b. 1993

Hossein Mohammadi (born 1993) holds a bachelor's degree in painting from Shahid Chamran University and a master's degree from the University of Tehran. His artworks have been featured in numerous group exhibitions in Iran and Turkey.
Mohammad's paintings echo the vast plains and distant horizons of his hometown, Khorramabad. Yet, his artistic vision extends beyond his local landscape and its history, looking into the rich tapestry of Iran's diverse historical, cultural, and epic narratives.
While Mohammadi's earlier pieces materialized historical concepts through objects, his latest collections explore these ideas through imagined natural, agricultural, and military landscapes. Carefully arranging visual and spatial components within the landscapes and complementing them with suggestive titles, the artist renders complex epic concepts into a visual language that requires viewers to actively engage and think critically to fully comprehend.
Mohammadi blends theoretical ideas with his paintings, starting with an intuitive exploration of form and structure and gradually evolving into a more representational style using acrylic or oil paints.