Morteza Khakshoor b. 1984

Morteza Khakshoor (b. 1984, Iran) currently lives and works in Los Angeles California. He moved to the U.S. in 2010 to pursue his education in Fine Arts.  He received his BFA in Sculpture from Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts in 2015 and completed his MFA in printmaking at The Ohio State University in 2018.  
Khakshoor has exhibited his work widely in the U.S. and internationally since 2011. His latest solo exhibitions include Studio Visit at Emma Gray HQ, Santa Monica, CA (2024), Pin-Drop at Duane Thomas Gallery in NYC (2023), and Group exhibitions include Painters - London: A Group Show, Half Gallery Annex, NYC (2023), and Pour Some Sugar on Me at Lundgren Gallery in Palma Mallorca, Spain (2022). Morteza is the recipient of many awards, including The Inaugural Emerging Artist Award at the Editions/Artists' Book Fair (E/AB) in 2018. His works are in private and public collections, most notably at The Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice in NYC, X Museum in Beijing, China, and The Bunker Collection in Palm Beach, Florida. 
Khakshoor's artistic practice, rooted in drawing but expanding into painting, printmaking, and sculpture, Look into the intricacies of human experience through themes of sexuality, eroticism, violence, and history. His unique visual language, both intimately personal and universally resonant, emerges from a process of accumulating and juxtaposing found images with personal sketches, creating a fertile ground for unexpected narratives. Drawing inspiration from a vast array of sources, from historical events to everyday life, Khakshoor demonstrates a keen observational eye and a deep engagement with art history,
referencing early Renaissance masters like Masaccio and Mantegna while embracing the spirit of Cubism, particularly Picasso's approach to form.